Refund and Returns Policy
A refund may be accepted only in the circumstance that the product dispatched is damaged when it reaches you. In order to apply for a refund, carefully place the product on a flat surface and take clear photos of the product with your phone camera. This is applicable in the scenario that only the product is damaged and not the packaging.
You can share these product photos with your brand liaison if you have been in touch with the brand prior to your purchase. In case you would like to apply for a refund immediately, you can send a direct message. You may also email us on
We usually act on the process immediately during working hours. However, allow us at least 24 hours to get back to you with our feedback. All final rulings on refunds lie with the brand’s quality assurance team. We are fair with the refund policy and make sure our approach is always ‘client first’. However, if we feel that there is an attempt to take advantage of our refund policy, we reserve the right to decline all future orders from the individual/s in question.